Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Was Politics Always So Alarming?

I must say that the present behaviors of prominent politicians scares me! Can we trust their judgement, and their style of dealing with others? Donald Trump is particularly frightening; he has not shown any restraint! And Hillary Rodham Clinton is not especially confidence-raising. But who is one the bench for both parties. Joe Biden looks positively presidential, but who else?

The Boston Globe seems to champion Elizabeth Warren, and the New Jersey papers like Chris Christie. But will these be part of the ticket?

The shootings in an Orlando gay night club makes it look like there will be others of this type. Those night clubbers were innocent people just having a good time, not suspecting that they were in any danger. And than it happened.

Are we just in a down part of the cycle, or was politics so dirty? Would we look back on the Bush/Obama years as some kind of golden age before everything went in the toilet?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Not Really in North Dakota

In western North Dakota, there is a Heart River, one of the tributaries of the Missouri River. On the internet in several places, there was an alleged photograph of this river, apparently photoshopped.

The topography around this alleged feature does not look at all like North Dakota. And there is no river, to my knowledge, that makes such a natural heart. Somebody may have induced a hoax, and it has reappeared from time to time.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Another Blog!

Perhaps starting a blog with opinions nowadays is the height of chutzpah. But here goes. My name is Heather, I attend North Dakota State, and work in a bank part time. I'm a Fargoite; but don't drink Faygo. Anyway, I will come up with some topics that I hope will delight, or at least interest some.

Maybe writing a blog is a means for escaping from superficiality; but I'll leave that judgement for you to make.

I'm pretty middle-of-the-road on religion, politics, musical tastes, and other things. But, then, Fargo is not on the cutting edge of innvoative ideas and the avant-garde culture.

Please bear with me.

* Heather *